Our Story

Hello, my name is Grace. I am the founder of Graceful Organix, an Organic brand that manufactures soaps, lotions and  smoothies for  babies and toddlers. Our  products are exceptionally crafted to promote healing and nourishment.  My children remain my biggest source of inspiration and motivation as we grow and nurture the Graceful Organix brand.

At Graceful Organix we source  our ingredients from local organic farmers, they share the same ethos as we do that is living in harmony with nature.  Respecting our natural world and embedding ethical, charitable practices is at the core of the Graceful Organix. We promise to donate books to local schools and communities to help advance young children’s education. I  love reading books and always have a book nearby! If youre a poet a heart do check out Graces Square Space were I write poems inspired by my journey as a mother

In addition to this, we’re passionate about giving back to nature and do this by planting trees. The Graceful Organix team is eco-conscious and devoted to our eco-initiatives to promote tree growth and protect the natural lungs of our Earth. If you also want to reduce carbon emissions and support complex ecosystems and wildlife habitats, you’ll fit right in with the Graceful Organix brand

To learn more about what we do, head to our website and blog  it has a wealth of information and guidance for parents and their young children. If you’re ready to immerse yourself in the Graceful Organix community, we’d love you to join us on our social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.  For any other comments or questions, please get in touch via our Facebook page or email  info@gracefulorganix.com.

We can’t wait to hear from you!