The Benefits of Reading

The benefits of reading are tremendous, from the ancient of days to the present day this skill will never go out of style. In this article we are going to highlight the importance of empowering your children to read a sure investment with high returns. A wide number of scientific studies points out to the deep benefit that a child can acquire from reading. The range of benefits includes an improved academic literacy level and healthy social relationships. Along the benefits of reading for children, parents often appreciate the following:

Psychological stability.

When children get involved in reading fiction, they are taught how to understand characters from different backgrounds. They slowly acquire the ability to relate to people in different circumstances and put themselves in their shoes. Well written character development can help children see beyond stereotypes and labels. Thus, reading fiction can train children to develop empathy and tolerance for diversity.

Knowledge Acquisition.

Perhaps one the most well-known benefits of reading is passing on knowledge. Many teachers find it easier to let children read out their lesson than to stand and lecture the classroom. This creates an environment that involves students in the topic versus regular teaching methods. When children seek information themselves and read it out loud to their peers, they are more likely to understand the topic and relate to it. It will also build confidence for the students. Meanwhile, reading quietly can help students visualize different places or times in history.

Improved concentration.

In a recent study, it was found that reading from books and magazines can help students with short attention spans when compared to reading from digital material. Anne Mangen, a literature researcher, explains this effect by stressing that the “tactile feedback” given by digital reading material doesn’t equate to the full mental reconstruction provided by a physically held book.

Higher Intelligence.

While intelligence can be genetically inherited, there are ways to help sharpen the IQ of a child. Reading out loud in interactive voices can result in a higher IQ score. The reason behind this is that reading is considered as a brain exercise for young ages. Regular reading schedules can build neural pathways in the brain.

Better Academic Performance.

According to The American Academy of Pediatrics, the proficiency level of a child at the age of eight is one of the first indicators of their academic performance in the future.  When children read more, they get to know more words, better grammar, and basic knowledge. All these can greatly help the child’s performance in the first years of school. It was also estimated that children who read for pleasure hold a 9.9% advantage in mathematics when compared to those who read only for class.

Extensive Vocabulary.

Children who read regularly from a young age get exposed to much more words as opposed to those who do not. This is commonly referred to as the Million-Word Gap. Where it is estimated that when parents read short stories to their children, they are giving them the advantage of about 1.4 million words.  This gap will affect the children’s proficiency levels and overall literacy all along their academic years.

Critical Skills.

Today, the job market demands critical thinking and analytical skills. Meanwhile, most classwork reading can help with critical skills. Research came to find that comprehension pop quizzes can result in higher intrinsic skills. When children are required to read a small passage of fiction, they need to analyze the context, the vocabulary, and the intent behind the writing. This helps them learn to inspect and analyze, which will help them with problem solving skills latter in their lives.

Regulate Circadian Rhythms.

While many electronic devices we use daily can disturb our sleeping cycles, reading can regulate it. Parents who read for their kids know how well this works for bed time routines. It gives children something to look forward to before going to bed and helps them fall into sleep easier.  As adults, reading can have a similar effect on us too. Practicing a light reading right before sleeping can help with anxiety and insomnia, leading the way for a peaceful night and an energetic morning.

Bonds Families.

Bedtime reading will not only help parents put their children to sleep faster, it also strengthens the parent-child relationship. In a recent study, dialogic reading proved to reinforce the family relationships. This bonding effect is also higher in physical books than electronic or digital reading material. That’s why it is recommended to set a regular reading time for the entire family to sit down and read, whether in the same book or individually.

Sparks Creativity.

Reading fiction requires imagination. Surprisingly, imagination is one of the core intrinsic skills that can be honed during the childhood years. That is why children who enjoy books with vivid illustrations can grow to be more creative and imaginative than others. This is because illustrated books can help improve our attention span and train our visual memory.

Implants Curiosity.

While extracurricular reading is often not enough for scientific education in itself, it can make formal readings easier. Not only because it provides the student with an extensive linguistic skill set, but also because it makes the student interested to know more.  So, fictional novels that give light hints on scientific topics can lead children to seek out more information to satisfy his or her curiosity.


Concerned parents – who now realize the importance of reading for their children – may wonder how to encourage their kids to read more. Well, they say that books are man’s true best friend. The key is to provide appropriate materials regularly that will help your children get acquainted with their new best friend. Thankfully, that is quite easy to do. From local libraries to digital audio bookstores, your child will never out of things to read once you get a few cheap subscriptions. Don’t worry! It’s an investment for the future. Don’t forget to make sure that the content is age appropriate.