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Healing Salts

Healing salts are magic salts just like the magic beans from jack and the beanstalk. They can be called medicinal salts as they have medicinal properties. They contain essential minerals like zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, sulphate and potassium which normal salt is devoid of. They are naturally occurring salts with minimum side effects.

The three healing salts we are going to look at are Epsom salts, sea salts and Himalayan salts. All of these vary in their chemical compositions, but are amazingly beneficial for the human body. These salts are often used as bath salts, however Himalayan salt and sea can also be ingested. Having said that, lets delve deeper into the benefits of each salt.

  1. Epsom salts 

Epsom salt, also known as epsomite or magnesium sulfate, is a bitter tasting naturally occuring mineral named after the bitter saline spring of Epsom in Surrey, England. The salt is formed when North Downs, which is a ridge of chalk hills, and the non-porus London clay get together, which in turn, causes springs to arise.

Chemical Composition of Epsom Salts

Epsom salt is made up of magnesium, oxygen, and sulfur. It’s chemical name is magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, and its scientific formula is MgSO4.7H2O. 

Importance Epsom Salts in the Human Body

Epsom salt helps to boost the levels of sulfates and magnesium in the body, which in turn, help your body in the following ways:

  1. Sulfates 

The sulfates found in epsom salt are useful in the formation of joint proteins, brain tissue, as well as the mucin proteins that line the walls of your digestive tract. Sulfates also help to detoxify your body. Sulfates aid in creating digestive enzymes by stimulating your pancreas. Another key benefit of sulfates is in assisting the body to absorb nutrients.

  1. Magnesium 

On the other hand, magnesium works by regulating enzymes and getting rid of toxins from your body. It also boosts the levels of serotonin in your body. Serotonin works by helping your body to relax thus elevating your mood. Epsom salt also helps to regulate electrolytes, which helps to improves nerve function. When your body has adequate magnesium, it is able to maintain proper levels of calcium.  Magnesium also prevents your arteries from hardening, and blood from clotting. 

Therapeutic Benefits of Epsom Salts

Epsom salt baths have numerous therapeutic benefits for both adults and children as you will see below:

Benefits of Epsom Salt to Adults 

1.Epsom salts help to relieve muscle pain, particularly after sports or working.

2.The sulfate in Epsom salt helps to remove toxins and heavy metals in the body

3.Epsom salts help to ease symptoms associated with fibromyalgia and arthritis due to its high magnesium levels. 

4.Epsom salt can be used to treat constipation it has laxative properties, do seek professional advise before ingesting it for this purpose

Benefits of Epsom Salt to children  

  1. Epsom salt is effective in reducing autism symptoms. Epsom salt baths help to increase plasma sulfate levels, which are normally low in children who have Autism Spectrum Disorders. 
  2. According to medical professionals, an epsom salt bath is effective for relieving eczema symptoms. The magnesium found in epsom salts helps to minimize inflammation, relieve itchiness, and repair damaged skin cells.  
  3. The magnesium is important for healthy bones and aids in the absorption of calcium
  4. It relieves symptoms of psoriasis, Sulfate hydrates and exfoliates the skin, while magnesium repairs the skin. Therefore, an espom salt bath would be an effective alternative for a child with psoriasis. 

Precautions When Using Epsom Salts

Epsom salts are considered to be safe. However, when used incorrectly, they can have adverse effects on your health. You should use epsom salt carefully. Precautionary measures should be taken when: 

  • You develop an allergic reaction
  • You are pregnant
  • You have diabetes 
  • Using it on wounds and burns 
  • Do not overdose on epsom salt as excess magnesium can have adverse negative side effects such as nausea, lightheadedness, headache, as well as flushed skin
  • Excess magnesium can also lead paralysis, coma, heart problems, and even death

Sea Salt

Sea salt is salt obtained from the sea after evaporating ocean water, or water from salt water lakes. It contains minerals, which give sea salt its flavor and color. Sea salt contains less iodine that table salt. 

Chemical Composition of Sea Salts

Just like table salt, the chemical formula for sea salt is Na (sodium) and Cl (chloride), or sodium chloride.  It is an ionic compound comprising of sodium cations and chloride anions, which are dissolved in water. Depending on the source of the sea salt, it usually contains trace elements and minerals like magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, and calcium. 

Importance Sea Salts in the Human Body

Sea salts have various benefits to your body. The sodium in sea salt helps in nerve and muscle function, as well as cell function. Sea salt also works by balancing the acid in your blood, and controlling blood pressure. It also helps to balance electrolytes, which are critical for heart, brain and muscle health

Therapeutic Benefits of Sea Salts

Sea salts have various therapeutic benefits for both adults and children as you will see below:

Benefits of Sea Salts for Adults 

  1. it helps in managing diabetes, Including sea salt in your diet decreases the need for insulin. This is because sea salt helps to balance sugar levels in the body. 
  2. Sea salt is effective in treating symptoms of depression. It preserves serotonin and melatonin hormones, which are feel good hormones. therefore you are able to relax, sleep better, and cope with stress efficiently
  3. Sea salt helps to keep your bones strong. When your body doesn’t have enough salt and water, it tends to draw the sodium from your bones, which can lead to osteoporosis in the long term. 
  4. Sea salt is a great boost to your immune system and indeed a plus to your endocrine system

Benefits of Sea Salts for Children 

1.Sea salt helps to relieve inflammation in the respiratory system, which helps to minimize the production of phlegm

2. It relieves skin conditions , Giving your child a sea salt bath can help to relieve symptoms of eczema and psoriasis. Sea salt helps to relieve itchy and dry skin. It works by opening up pores, and boosting circulation in your child’s skin. It also helps to hydrate your child’s tissues so that his/her skin can heal.

3.Contains a lot of trace elements and is minimally processed a great addition to their meals

Precautions When Using Sea Salts

Sea salts are considered to be safe. However, you should avoid using a sea salt bath  when:

  • You develop hives or rashes after using it for the first time
  • You develop a skin infection 
  • You have an open wound 

It is advisable that you consult your general practitioner before using a sea salt bath, particularly when suffering from severe atopic dermatitis, severe acne, or even severe psoriasis.

Himalayan Salts 

Pink Himalayan salt is 100% natural. It is mined from the Khewra salt mine in Pakistan, near the foothills of the Himalayas. The salt gets its pink color from small amounts of iron oxide, or rust. It also features a minimal amount of potassium. Unlike table salt, Himalayan salt has a perfect balance of iodine. 

Chemical Composition of Himalayan Salts

It contains more than 84 trace minerals, which are extremely good for your health. In addition to sodium chloride, the pink himalayan salt also contains minerals such as iron, zinc, magnessium, potassium, calcium, and iodine. 

Importance of Himalayan Salts in the Human Body

Himalayan salts have a perfect balance of iodine, which helps to prevent iodine deficiency ailments such as goiter, sluggish thyroid, as well as cretinism. Its elements and minerals help your body to balance electrolytes and absorb nutrients from the food you consume.   The salt contains 82% less sodium when compared to table salt. Therefore, consuming more Himalayan salt can improve the water balance in your body. As a result, it eliminates excess toxins and sodium, as well as waste while boosting your body’s mineral intake. 

The pink and red color of Himalayan salt contains loads of iron. The iron helps to increase red cell count in your body, which in turn, improves oxygen transportation, as well as circulation.  Due to its anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties, Himalayan salt can strengthen your immune system. It helps to get rid of harmful bacterial and germs. The naturally occurring minerals found in the pink Himalayan salt work by strengthening cells, tissues, and bones in the entire body. 

Therapeutic Benefits of Himalayan Salts

Himalayan salt baths have various therapeutic benefits for both adults and children as  you will see below:

Benefits of Himalayan Salts to Adults 

  1. It reduces blood pressure High amounts of sodium can lead to high blood pressure, and life threatening hypertension. Using Himalayan salt can have a positive impact on your blood pressure since it contains only 420 milligrams of sodium per tablespoon as compared to 2500 milligrams in regular table salt.
  2. It relieves muscle cramps Himalayan salt contains magnesium, which helps to minimize muscle cramps. The minerals found in the naturally occurring crystals help to detoxify and revitalize stiff and worn out muscles.
  3. Himalayan pink salt helps to eliminate toxins and waste from your skin tissue, which normally appears as cellulite. Therefore, consuming more Himalayan salt will make your body leaner and healthier.

Benefits of Himalayan Salts to children  

  1. Himalayan salt helps to relieve sore throat. It helps to soothe the throat and minimize inflammation, particularly when one has a dry cough. 
  2. It helps to increase appetite, Himalayan salt helps to improve digestion, which in turn, helps to reduce loss of appetite. 
  3. The high mineral content in this salt aids in the detoxification process

Precautions When Using Himalayan Salts

Himalayan salt baths are considered to be safe. However, you should avoid using a himalayan salt bath when:

  • Your skin gets irritated after using it for the first time 
  • Your skin becomes itchy 
  • You have any kind of systemic inflammation or swelling in your body